Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

KB Calendar

Periodic Abstinence or better known as the Calendar System is a way / simple contraceptive method that can be done alone by the couple by not doing sexual intercourse during fertile. This method is effective if done properly and correctly. With the use of calendar systems each pair is possible to plan every pregnancy.


As Contraception
a. Can be used to avoid or achieve pregnancy.
b. There are no health risks associated with contraception.
c. There are no side effects.
d. Low or no cost.

As Nonkontrasepsi
a. Increasing the involvement of husbands in family planning.
b. Adding knowledge about the reproductive system in the husband and wife.
c. Allows strengthen relationships / relationship nelalui enhancing communication between husband and wife or partner.

Weaknesses and Advantages KBA Calendar System
1. Weakness
a. The length of each woman's menstrual cycle is not the same.
b. Only a few women who have regular menstrual cycles
c. Ovulation does not always occur on day 14.
d. Determination of infertility based on the ability of live sperm cells in the female reproductive tract is 5 days.
e. Bleeding that sometimes comes along with ovulation can be interpreted as menstruation. As a result, the calculation of infertility before ovulation and infertility after ovulation becomes inaccurate.
f. Determination of infertility is not based on the menstrual cycle itself.
g. Lack of understanding of the relationship between ovulation.
h. The notion that the first day of the menstrual cycle is calculated from the end of menstrual bleeding so all the calculations determining the fertile period did not automatically become wrong.
i. Husband and wife can not have sex at all times when not wanted the pregnancy. Though there is no biological necessity of time constraints. My wife actually libido increases during the fertile period. For that family planning calendar system should be combined with contraceptive use condoms. At the time of the fertile time of husband and wife can still make the marital relationship but by using condoms.

a. In terms of Economics: KB calendar done naturally and without any cost so it does not need to pay for the purchase of contraceptives.
b. In terms of Health: This calendar system is obviously far more healthy because it can avoid the harmful side effects as well as using other contraceptive devices (especially in the form of the drug).
c. From the psychological aspect: the system of this calendar does not reduce the enjoyment of the relationship itself, such as when wearing a condom for example. Although, of course, on the other side of the pair of self-control required for strict abstinence during the fertile period.

How To Calculate The Fertile with KBA Calendar System
Before using this method, of course, married couples must know the fertile period. Cycles in each woman's fertile period is not the same. For that we need the observation of at least 6 times of the menstrual cycle. Here's how to find and calculate the fertile period:

When regular menstrual cycles (28 days):
* The first day of the menstrual cycle is calculated as the day-to-1
* The fertile is the day of the 12th until the 16th day of the menstrual cycle

A wife got my period started on 2 October. October 2 is counted as day 1. So the 12th day falls on October 13th and 16th day falls on October 17th. So the fertile period is from October 12 until October 17th. On these dates may not be husband and wife have sex with wife (relations agency.) because if the wife violated the possibility of pregnancy is very big.

If an irregular menstrual cycle:
Record number of days in a menstrual cycle for 6 months (6 cycles). The menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of menstruation at this time until the first day of next menstruation.
Shortest number of days in menstrual cycle minus 6 times 18. This count determines the first day of fertile period. The number of the longest day for 6 menstrual cycles minus 11. This count determines the last day of fertile period.

The first day of the fertile period = Number of days the shortest - 18
The last day of fertile period = Number of days the longest - 11
A wife got my period with the state: the shortest cycle of 26 days and the longest cycle of 32 days (beginning the first day of menstruation until the next menstruation).
The calculations are: 26-18 = 8 and 32-11 = 21. so the fertile period is to begin day-to-8 to the 21 from the first day of menstruation. At this time bersanggama.setelah spouses should not be allowed to pass from the new.

How To Calculate The Infertile with KBA Calendar System
How to calculate infertility is fairly easy. First of all, for 12 months, long menstrual cycles were recorded. Menstrual cycle is calculated starting from the first day of menstruation until the day before the first day of next menstruation. Of note will be seen whether or not regular menstrual cycles. For those who have irregular menstrual cycles, please note the number of days the shortest period and the number of days the longest period.
Then, after the menstrual cycle record is obtained, stay longer count infertility. Counting time is not fertile before ovulation by subtracting the shortest period with 21. 21 Figures derived from the sum of the egg maturation time (16 days) and the ability of live sperm cells in the uterus (5 days). For example, the shortest period is 28 days, the period is not fertile before ovulation is the first day until the seventh day (28-21). If the shortest period of 25 days, then infertility is the first day to the fourth (25-21).
Calculation of infertility after ovulation did not differ significantly. The difference is only used during menstrual periods and rate reduction. Infertility after ovulation is calculated by subtracting the longest period minus 9. Number 9 is obtained from the reduction in egg maturation shortest time (11 days) with an egg cell survival (20 days). For example, the longest period is 28 days, the period of infertility after ovulation from day 19 to the next menstruation. If the longest period of 30 days, then infertility starting day 21 until the next menstruation.

Women who Can & Should Not Use KBA Calendar System
1. Women who can
a. For contraception
All the female during reproduction, either regular menstrual cycles and irregular, not good because haik and premenopausal breast.
All women with any parity including nulliparous.
Women's skinny or fat
Women who smoke
Women with certain health reasons among others hiertensi medium, varicose veins, disminorea, moderate or severe headache, uterine myomas, endometritis, ovarii cysts, iron deficiency anemia, viral hepatitis, malaria, deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.
Couples with religious or philosophical reasons for not menggunkaan other methods
Women who can not use other methods.
Couples who want abstinence intercourse more than a week of each menstrual cycle.
Couples who want and are motivated to observe, record, and assess signs and symptoms of fertility.
b. To conception
Couples who want mancapai pregnancy, intercourse during fertile done to achieve a pregnancy.
2. Women who should not use
Women in terms of age, parity or health problems make pregnancy a high risk of a condition.
Women before getting your period (breastfeeding, immediately after the abortion), except MOB.
Women with irregular menstrual cycles, except MOB
Women whose partners do not cooperate (abstinence) during certain times of the menstrual cycle.
Women who do not like touching daetah genetalianya.

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