Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010


Menstruation is the release of the uterine lining (endometrium) that is accompanied by bleeding and occur repeatedly every month except during pregnancy.

First menstruation (menarche) is common at the age of 11, but also can terjadin at the age of 8 years or 16 years. The first day of perharahan calculated as the beginning of each menstrual cycle (Heri to-1). The cycle ends just before the next menstrual cycle. Mrnstruasi cycle ranges from 21-40 days. Only 10-15% of women who have a 28-day cycle.

The distance between the most oanjang cycles usually occur shortly after menarche and immediately before menopause. At first, the cycle may be irregular. The distance between 2 cycles can last for 2 months or within 1 month may occur 2 cycles. This is normal, after a long cycle will become more regular.

And duration of the menstrual cycle can be known by making notes on a calendar. By using the calendar, you can know your cycle pattern and this will assist you in estimating the cycle that would come. Mark every day 1 with a cross, then count to the next cross. Thus you can find out your cycle. Every month after the 5th day of menstrual cycle, the endometrium begins to grow and thicken in preparation for the possibility of pregnancy.

Source: Kissanti, Annia. 2009. Book Smart Women Health and Beauty. Araska.

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