Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


Alternative birthing in the water
Waterbirth is a birth process that is done in warm water. At the time in the womb, the baby is in the amniotic fluid. By birth in the same environment, will be more comfortable for babies, as well as lowering stress levels mama.

What are the benefits?
• Water is soothing, comforting, and increases energy.
• buoyancy mama lose weight, making it possible to move more freely. It will also produce a more efficient contraction. Blood flow will flow more smoothly.
• Water can reduce the causes of stress hormones, and make mama body produce endorphins, pain reducer.
Do not do waterbirth if ....
• Mama suffering from herpes. Herpes is easily transmitted through water.
• Babies in the breech position. consult your doctor.
• Mom diagnosed with severe bleeding and infections of pregnancy.
• baby twins, in this case consult a physician.
Does warm water is not harmful to pregnancy?
Depending on the temperature. If the water is too hot, dehydration can be risky for the mother and her baby, also can raise body temperature and heart rate baby mama. So, make sure the water temperature is stable at temperatures 36 degrees C and the amount is sufficient. Should provide adequate drinking water and a cold cloth to wipe the face and neck mama, mama to prevent dehydration.
How long a baby can survive in water?
In the United States, usually the baby out of the water in the first 10 seconds after birth. Appropriate measures to do is lift the baby without hurry and put him to sleep in mommy's arms.

Water Birth
Water birth is a method of giving birth, the which involves immersion in warm water. Proponents believe That this method is safe and Provides many benefits for both mother and infant, Including pain relief and a less traumatic birth experience for the baby. However, critics argue That the procedure introduces unnecessary risks to the infant Such as infection and water inhalation.

Newborn with umbilical cord still attached after a water birth

For the baby
Childbirth cans be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water [4] helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world Because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intra-uterine environment, and softens light, colors and noises.
For the mother
Pain management
Full immersion in water promotes physiological responses in the mother That reduce pain Including a redistribution of blood volume, the which stimulates the release of oxytocin and vasopressin (Katz 1990), the latter Also the which increases oxytocin blood levels (Odent 1998). No evidence was found That this benefit was associated with poorer outcomes for babies or longer labours. "It has Also been found That in waterbirths the buoyancy of the mother and the baby, allow for a gravitational pull. This pull not only opens up the mother's pelvis Also but allows the baby to descend more Easily
Intact perineum / decreased episiotomy
Water birth is believed to aid stretching of the perineum and Decrease the risk of skin tears. Support from the water slows crowning of the infant's head and offers perineal support, the which decreases the risk of tearing and reduces the use of episiotomy, a surgical procedure cans the which cause a number of complications. Indeed, there is a zero episiotomy rate in the waterbirth literature (Harper 2000). Moreover, "perineal trauma is reported to be Generally less severe, with more intact perineums for multips, but in Some literature about the Same frequency of tears for primips in or out of the water," (Harper 2000; Also see Burn 1993 and Garland 1997).

Risks and concerns
Due to the rigorous protocols for cleaning birthing tubs Between labors (especially in Hospitals), there is little (if any) risk of transferring bacteria from infant to mother or mother to infant. In a 1999 study of bacterial Cultures carried out at the Oregon Health Sciences University Hospital, there were the resource persons Cultured no instances of bacteria from the birth pool Itself. While Pseudomonas bacteria (common in tap water) were the resource persons present, even those Infants That tested positive for the bacteria needed no treatment for infections.
Slowed labor
Due to the documented relaxing effects of water, laboring in water is Sometimes associated with a Decrease in the intensity of contractions, and is thus thought to slow labor. While home birth experts (eg Harper, RN) argue That this must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, Some Hospitals have adopted a "5 centimeter" rule, allowing women to enter the tub only once the cervix has already expanded to 5 centimeters (Harper 2000).
Maternal blood loss
For care providers, Who Are inexperienced in delivery in water, it May be Difficult to assess the amount of maternal blood loss. While well-developed methods of determining the maternal blood loss in water do exist, many providers prefer to deliver the placenta "on land" for this reason (eg the University of Michigan hospital.)
On the other hand, Some doctors and midwives see waterbirths That Actually have been known to reduce the amount of blood loss. The Water Surrounding the mother Actually lowers the mother's blood pressure and heart rate. Mothers still lose significant amount of blood through the passing of the placenta [13].

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